Are JN Remedies Safe for Animals?
The answer is yes, yes and yes! We have used it personally on our own pets over the years with great success. There are two of our clients that would be more than happy to help anyone figure out how to use the Jernigan Nutraceutical products for their pets. One is Catherine Ritlaw who owns Journey’s End Ranch where she takes in sick animals (mostly dogs and horses). You can find out more about her work here. The other is the author of Beating Lichen Sclerosis, Ginny Chandoha, find her book and more here. Ginny uses JN products mostly on chickens and cats. If you want the REAL expert advice email either of these ladies, they would be more than happy to share their experiences with you.
Which Remedy Works Best?
Our Most Effective Remedies for Animals
I get a lot of questions asking me which remedy will work best for their animal. If an animal has Lyme Disease, I would use Borrelogen and the Neuro-Antitox II Basic (either the ACV version or the ethanol version). If the animal had a yeast infection and/or parasites, I would do Yeast-Ease Plus and Paragen. You can put any product on topically, in their ears (depending on the animal), or on a sore on their body.
Cancer? I would use Pomifitrin.
Virus? I would use Virogen.
Bacteria? I would use Microbojen.
Toxins and Bites? I would use Macola Oil and the Neuro-Antitox II Basic.
If you want the REAL expert advice email either of these ladies, they would be more than happy to share their experiences with you.
What is the Proper Dosage?
For most animals I would dose them according to the suggested use described on the labels. If the animal is under 20 pounds, I would do about 10 drops 1 to 3 times a day. I have one friend who uses it on her rabbits, which tend to be super sensitive so their dosage is about 1 to 2 drops a day. When it comes to which formula works best I think it depends on the animal. My dogs will not touch the water or their food if it has anything in it or on it. So, I have to use a dropper and put it in their mouth, but if I had a choice I would prefer to put their remedies (either the ACV or the ethanol) in their water. Many times when my dog is being really stubborn, I just put the remedy on their skin and let it soak into their body that way.
Patty's Miracle
Patty is a 5-6 year-old 30-pound basenji mix dog. She is not “healthy.” She is on thyroxine for hypothyroidism and she has had a history of over-vaccination. She came from Texas and kept running away and being repeatedly impounded. The Austin shelter would re-vaccinate her every time she was impounded and she probably got 4-5 rabies vaccs within a 2 year period, plus other combo vaccs and all while untreated hypothyroid. She arrived here in December frenetically hyperactive- seizure activity. Thyroid medication and detoxing helped her dramatically, but she continued to have rage attacks. We suspected Lyme or another tick disease and began treating her with Jernigan Neuro-Antitox and Microbojen. The aggressive outbursts decreased, but continued, so we started her on doxycycline 5 weeks ago and her temperament improved dramatically.
So, she already has neurological problems. Patty was bitten by Mojave rattler Sat 4/23 at 4 PM. I saw it happen. She had eaten an hour before the snakebite and had been given 6 drops of Antitox in her meal, so she had some in her system when bitten. She also has been getting one cc of Essential GSH/day (glutathione). I gave her 3 more droppers of Jernigan Neuro Antitox and 1 cc dexate (4 mg.) Sub Q. Snake went down a hole. Patty’s face became swollen, but she was acting okay. 2 hours later I found the snake in the yard again, I go to get it and Patty tries to bite it again. Gave another 2 droppers of AntiTox. Hours later Patty is now hungry and begging for treats. She is back outside looking for the snake 2 & 1/2 hours after bite.
Update: 15 hours post-bite the swelling is nearly gone, and Patty is showing no signs of illness. I also have given her 10 capsules of phophatidyl-choline (venom can contain an enzyme that destroys phospholipids in the cell membrane) and 10 mg. of vitamin K1 (a small dose, but I had to give her 100 K1 pills to get that much into her). I also gave her 5 cc of Essential GSH- lipoceutical glutathione (oral). However, I give all credit regarding her recovery to Dr. Jernigan’s Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS formula. 24 hours post-bite Patty is still doing great!
Find pictures of this incident and more details here!
Ginny's Testimony
Ginny Chandoha: Author of “Beating Lichen Sclerosis.”
I’m forever thankful to the Jernigan family for giving to the world such wonderful inspiration and products. While I’m blessed to be free of LS (it seems like a lifetime ago), to have helped a little girl be free of the same disease, and hopefully more people with my book (in print sometime in 2014), what I feel most proud of is using the Jernigan nutraceuticals to cure my 5 chickens of Marek’s Disease, which is caused by several strains of the Herpes Virus. Everything I’d read about the disease claims it is “incurable” (the name they give every ailment that conventional medicine can’t cure and conventional doctors don’t have a clue), and that 99.9% of the infected will die. I’ve read about other people whose chickens have survived Marek’s and they have to keep them quarantined for life because “they will always have the virus” and that the survivors are referred to as “special needs” chickens because they are either blind or unable to walk properly due to the disease. My 5 Marek’s Disease survivors are a daily reminder of the power of the body, the power of God, the power of nature, and the power of the Jernigan Nutraceuticals because (1) they no longer are carriers of the virus, and (2) to look at them now you’d never know they’d been so ill. They are 100% recovered, fully functional, and healthy. They are my pride and joy and watching them do their “chicken thing” while remembering how they’d been so afflicted, how they struggled to survive, and their recovery amazes me daily. Often I cry just watching them being normal healthy chickens.”“I am so grateful for the Jernigan line of nutraceuticals! They have helped to cure me, my husband, our cats, and our chickens of all sorts of ailments and I always keep a good supply on hand of everything “just in case.”- Ginny
Journey's End Ranch Animal Sanctuary Testimonies
"I have 4 huge goldfish who live in a 100-gallon tub in my house. One developed fungus on dorsal fin- looks like cotton. I always soak their food pellets before feeding, so I started adding a few drops of pomifitrin to the soaking food 10 days ago. Fungus is now gone! Thank you"
"Thank you so much! Two months ago I thought I was dying. I am now feeling better than I have in about 15 years – using Neuro CNS and Allermac. My 3 “Neuro” dogs have improved, also. Best of all, my little burro is back to normal after 2 years of stiffness and severe brain fog, post snakebite. She has used one bottle of CNS and I believe I can take her off it now and see how she is. I was almost ready to euthanize her due to poor quality of life. She’s only 4 – so your product has given her a chance for 30-40 more happy years." -Catherine Ritlaw, Owner, 2008