Laboratory Proof Neuro-Antitox II

Research on the Effectiveness of Neuro-Antitox II ™

When considering toxins, it must be recognized that toxins are poisonous substances that are irritating and sometimes permanently damaging to the tissues of the body. Toxins of any type must be avoided and eliminated at all costs. In this article, we will be going exhaustively through the primary types of toxins that I guarantee that you have: microbial toxins and environmental toxins. Microbial toxins, like the neurotoxins of Lyme disease, require a different and more targeted treatment approach than do the more common environmental toxins. Fifty percent of the health restoration every Lyme sufferer seeks will come from effectively eliminating the toxins and reducing the sources of the toxins, i.e., bacteria and toxic lifestyle products. The other 50% of healing will revolve around restoring structure and function and optimal coherence within the body, mind, and spirit.

Research and clinical studies have determined that there are neuro-toxins released by the Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) spirochete [Klinghardt 2002]. Neurotoxins are nerve poisons. These toxins, according to research, are the cause of most, if not all, the symptoms of Lyme disease. It is also believed that tissue damage is not caused by Lyme bacteria directly; in other words, the bacteria are not “eating” your tissues. It is the accumulation of Bb toxins in your body that is most likely responsible for the symptoms experienced by Lyme sufferers.

In the scheme of facilitating healing in the body, mind, and spirit, toxins are poison in the body. In that the body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected and interdependent, if the body is poisoned, then the mind and spirit must necessarily be poisoned as well. These toxins are a major interference to your body’s ability to heal itself.

An astonishing new finding was released by John Travis in Science News (July 2003;164). Travis reported that research performed by John F. Prescott found that certain antibiotics, such as the fluoroquinolones, the class of antibiotics that includes the name-brands and generic brands of Levaquin[R], Cipro[R], Tequin[R], and Avelox[R], actually are known to trigger a type of virus called bacteriophages (viruses that can infect bacteria) to change the genetic sequencing of the bacteria, causing the bacterium they have infected to start producing toxins. These viruses can act as genetic delivery vans, invading bacteria, such as spirochetes, often lying dormant, until activated by a change in the host (your body’s) environment. Once activated, these viruses insert their toxin-generating genes into the bacterial chromosomes. These viruses can turn basically harmless bacterium into killers through this genetic sequencing of toxins (Travis 2003).

So now we see that not only are these toxins released through bacteria die-off and not only can antibiotics actually increase the production of the toxins, but these viruses can cause the bacteria to rupture, spilling their toxins into the body (Waldor 2004).

When a doctor uses an antibiotic and kills some Lyme spirochetes, there is a resultant Jarish-Herxheimer (Herx) reaction–i.e., a worsening of the patient’s symptoms in response to the increased release of bacterial die-off toxins. The toxins are dumped into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body, until they can either be eliminated by the body or lodged in areas of weakened tissues. As neurotoxins, they are preferentially taken up by nerve tissue. These lodged toxins are one reason why symptoms can persist even after the actual Bb infection is gone, because the toxins can remain as an irritant in the tissues for years.

In truth, a severe Herxheimer reaction is a sign of poor elimination pathway drainage, poor organ support, and poor treatment by your doctor. The bodies of most chronic Lyme sufferers are toxic dumps to start with, therefore, if a doctor does not get the pathways of elimination open and working, the body grows even more toxic as the bacteria begin to die and their toxins dump. Many doctors think good treatment is indicated by the fact that you feel like crap, i.e., worse than usual, which they feel confirms that they have selected an effective antibiotic. Most of my chronically ill patients cannot afford to feel worse just from the treatment. The person with Lyme disease has already suffered enough; they don’t need to go through a “herx” just to prove they have Lyme disease.

One of the more popular herbal remedies on the market causes such a severe herx that it is advised that only one drop be taken. Because of my previous Lyme disease books, I have spoken to hundreds of people from all over the world who have taken natural products and/or pharmaceuticals and now not only have their old symptoms but many new symptoms as well. Remember, no matter what you decide to take, whether the resulting herx is a true bacterial die-off or is a direct toxic effect of the remedy/medication, these toxins must be given just as high a priority as the actual infection. Chronic Lyme sufferers do not have adequate detoxification mechanisms to detoxify these Bb toxins.

I worked for many years, sifting through and trying many of the world’s finest detoxification products with mediocre results at best. While I was presenting research at the 1999 International Tick-Borne Diseases Conference in New York City, I took a break one day and wandered through Chinatown. In my wanderings, I found a Chinese herbal pharmacy. It had a huge assortment of exotic herbs and medicines from China, all held in drawers that covered a long wall from floor to ceiling. Each drawer had three bins, each holding something different. Since I was on a quest to find the elusive solution to what would address the specific toxin of Lyme spirochetes, it dawned on me to use Bio-Resonance Scanning[TM] (BRS, a real-time, non-computerized testing technique I developed) to test these herbs to see if there was anything that would work. The BRS testing required only a few moments and resulted in four herbs testing as beneficial, out of the hundreds in the apothecary. The Chinese pharmacists were quite certain I was doing some sort of magic with my BRS testing. I must have been a rare spectacle to them, since my six foot-seven-inch frame towered over them, and the BRS testing is not like any conventional testing. I think they were glad to hand over the bags of herbs and be rid of me.

Upon arriving home again, I prepared my herbs into a hydroalcoholic extract as I had been taught by the anthroposophical medical doctors in Eckwalden, Germany. With great elation, I discovered that the final product tested out as highly beneficial for some of my Lyme patients who had previously hit a plateau in their healing. The new formula took these patients to another 25% improvement. I and they were elated. It wasn’t the end-all solution, but it definitely was a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, in their rush to be rid of me, the Chinese pharmacists, who spoke no English and had to look up the Pinyin (the English derivation of the Chinese name for an herb) name for the herbs, must have written down the wrong names. When I called to order more of the herbs from another supplier of Chinese herbs, one who did speak English, the herbs I received were not the same and would not work. Formula lost! Not to worry, in those days, no one knew what the exact Lyme neurotoxin was; it took me five more years to identify ammonia as the primary toxin, even though I could detect the general frequency of the Lyme toxin with the BRS during the days of the Chinese apothecary. This story is the reality of how I ultimately found better remedies for real people in my clinic.

Today, I am convinced that the newest formulations, the NeuroAntitox II formulas, are the most advanced Lyme-ammonia detoxification products on the market. I once again identified the herbs in these formulas using BRS. The herbs, Silphium and [salvia azurea], were both growing in my own pasture, and it was just my inborn curiosity, or more likely divine inspiration, that led me to pull up these herbs and carry them into the clinic to test them. Like all of the different formulas I make, the primary herbs cannot be purchased from any herbal supply house. I must grow, harvest, process, and bottle them each year. And each formula is the result of striving to help real people (over 3,000 patients) in my clinic, after trying, with minimal results, all the big-name, heavily marketed, nutritional supplements. Direct Resonance testing, a clinical research technique, along with the Functional Acuity Contrast Test (FACT) seem to verify that these formulas reach all the hidden reservoirs of ammonia in the body, even crossing the blood-brain barrier, restoring integrity to the body, mind, and spirit.

It must be remembered, however, that symptoms will not completely disappear just with the elimination of Lyme toxins, simply because health and healing entails more than the absence of toxins. The toxin-damaged tissues must be restored, the diseased mindset must be reset to that of positive affirmative health, and the spirit must learn and live the new insights gained during the illness.

The FACT™ test is a very good test for detecting the presence of neurotoxins in the brain. It is also known as a Visual Contrast Test (VCS). The FACT test has been successfully used in medical diagnosis and subclinical neurotoxicity detection. Produced by the Stereo Optical Company, the test is simple to use and can be used indefinitely without wearing out. If your doctor does not use this test, let him know about it, because it is well-researched, and for once, you can track your progress on a weekly basis if you so desire. As brain neurotoxin levels go down, your test should improve. To perform the test, you simply hold the apparatus in front of you, as the instructional sheet will indicate, and the degree to which you can visually see certain images on a card determines the level of neurotoxins.

Reading about the many general body detoxification nutritional and botanical supplements that are plentiful on the nutraceutical market can be confusing. These products are designed to be general detoxifiers of the liver and intestines. While these products are a very good idea for almost everyone, they are not designed to handle Lyme neurotoxins, nor do many, if any, of these products actually cross the blood-brain barrier to reach the ammonia in the brain.

COPYRIGHT 2007 The Townsend Letter Group

COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale Group

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